June 10, 2014

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Carolyn Taylor, Chairperson, at 5:03 pm.
ATTENDING: Jo Anna Brown, Doreen Folzenlogen, Mary Sampson, Carolyn Taylor, and Steve Wilson. Also present were Bette Dillehay, Library Director, and Maree Morgan, President of the Friends of the Library.
MINUTES: A motion was made to approve the minutes of the May 13, 2014 board meeting. The motion was seconded and the board voted unanimously to approve.
• Financial Report. Unencumbered funds for salaries and related benefits are higher this FY because of a staff vacancy earlier in the year. Account number 3600, Advertising, is $1,833.74 over budget; Director will consider increasing the amount to be requested for FY 2015. Account 5210, Postage, is also over budget by $320.89; the Board recommends using email as primary means to announce special events. e-Rate Funding of $2519.64, approved by USAC for reimbursement of telecommunications expenses, will be applied in July. Report on Operating Expenditures as of 6/10/2014 is attached.
• Award Submission. The MML staff assisted County Administrator Mindy Moran in preparing an application for a 2014 Achievement Award from the Virginia Association of Counties (VACO). A copy of the submission is attached.
• Patron Update. Total number of patrons is 10,609 with 26 new patrons added in May. Patrons and visitors made 4,640 visits to the library in May.
• Adult Programs. Tech Tuesdays are very popular, and several staff members are well qualified to teach the courses offered. The May 27th luncheon themed "Building a Small Business – A Big Task" – had an attendance of 47 and was well received with requests to repeat the event.
• Youth & Teens. Five teens and two adult volunteers began the "Going Green" project on Saturday, June 7th, by refurbishing the "Don't Pollute" signs at culverts located in the village. Approximately 50 children are expected to participate in the 10th annual Highland Games & Picnic scheduled for June 20th at the Piankatank Ruritan Club.
• Summer Programs. See attached report "Summer 2014 Events."
• The deed for the Bland Hudgins wing is being reviewed by the County Administrator and should be accepted by the county within a few weeks.
• The Friends expect to "close the books" on the overall project on 30 June.
• The last project—landscaping—will be accomplished by John Machen and completed by the end of October.
• The line of credit for the entire project will close on the first week of October.
• The Friends approved funds of $9,850 to support the MML's summer programs.
• October 19-26 is National Friends of the Library week. Doreen Folzenlogen and Jane Abbot will set up a display in the reception area of the adult computer area in early September to highlight Friends activities in support of the MML.
OLD BUSINESS: Staff Move Update.
• Remainder of equipment is scheduled to be installed in the youth wing on 11 June. Shelving height is being reduced for easier access to books.
• Periodicals are being relocated to the adult computer area in the atrium to allow installation of additional shelving for books.
• The VHS tapes will be relocated to storage and CDs/DVDs will be relocated to the VHS shelves.
• Three feet of shelving will be added to the non-fiction stacks.
ADJOURNMENT: the meeting was adjourned at 5:50 pm.
The Board confirmed it will not meet in July. The next regular meeting is scheduled for August 12, at 5:00 p.m.
Submitted by Stephen Wilson, Secretary

Director's Report for June 10, 2014
Operating Expenditures Report as of 6/10/2014
2014 VACO Achievement Award Submission
Summer 2014 Events