Mathews Memorial Library

Bette Dillehay, Director

January 14, 2020


This report is intended to provide the Chairman and members of the Board of Trustees with a report of activities during the period November 12, 2019 – January 14, 2020. 

Financial Report

Current Reporting Period

The current financial report is a statement of resources and expenses for a two-month period ending January 14, 2020.    Operational expenses for the bi-monthly period totaled $19,438.44.  Year-to date expenditures total $54,979.75, representing an $8.85% increase over the same period a year ago.  Operating expenses to date are 40.36% of total budget with unencumbered funds totaling $81,280.25.  This amount includes a $50.00 donation and funds held for C4K totaling $16,717.00

Salaries and Related Expenses

The amount budgeted for salaries and related benefits for FY 2019-2020 is $275,184, or $22,932 per month.  For the first six months of the current year, expenses totaled $134,844.67 or 49% of budgeted amount, averaging approximately $22,474 per month.


On Wednesday, January 8, 2020, the library director, presented to the Board of Supervisors the budget proposal approved by members of the Board of Trustees for the library for FY 2020-2021.  The proposed budget, including salaries and related benefits and operating expenses is $397.634. an increase of $3,721 over the previous year. The presentation was met with positive feedback from Board members who commented on the positive influence of the library and the work that the staff does in the community.  A newly elected board member, The Honorable Melissa Mason, observed that the library’s success in serving the community should be noted when promoting the County.


The number of patrons now stands at 9,910   The number of new patrons added during the report period totaled 25.


Library Events

Visits to the library by patrons and others during the report period averaged 94 persons a day.  There were 12 library sponsored programs with 214 in attendance, not including 5 special holiday programs that registered 199 in attendance.  In addition, approximately 241 individuals attended 19 events sponsored by other organizations.