Mathews Memorial Library
Bette Dillehay, Director
January 9, 2018

This report is intended to provide the Chairman and members of the Board of Trustees with a report of activities during the period November 14, 2017 – January 9, 2018.

Financial Report
Current Reporting Period
The current financial report is a statement of resources and expenses for a two-month period ending January 9, 2018. Operational expenses for the bi-monthly period totaled $12,317.68. Current year-to-date expenses total $44,338.97 or 39.26% of operating budget (not including grants/donations). Current unencumbered operating funds total $72,059.91, including donations of $3,469.88. Also included in unencumbered funds is $5,000, the amount in the C4K Leadership Grant. Subtracting this grant from the unencumbered amount leaves a total of $67,059.91.

Salaries and related expenses
No report of expenses for salaries and related benefits through the report period of January 1, 2018 has been received. However, as of December 7, 2017, for the five-month period in FY 2017-18 expenses totaled $95,713.47 or $19,142.69 per month. The total amount budgeted for salaries and related benefits for FY2017-2018 is $267,103 or roughly $22,259 per month.

A donation of additional oriental rugs was received in December from library patrons, Drs. Anne Leddy and Alexander Wilson. These lovely additions to the library are located in the atrium area. Donations totaling $250.00 were also received from individuals honoring the memory of Countess Turpin.

Patron Update
The current number of patrons is 11,921 an increase of 8 patrons over the previous report period and a 3.02% increase over the previous year. The average number of patrons and others visiting the library daily during the report period was 201.

Grant Proposal
The library received word from IMLS (Institute of Museums and Library Services) that the grant proposal submitted by the Mathews Memorial Library, although included in the initial selection review process for 2018, was not selected to be awarded in 2018. It was recommended that it be revised to identify more specific outcomes and resubmitted in 2019. The proposal, “One for All - A Community Coalition,” addresses the changing world of libraries. It is intended to examine a new approach for the library through a leadership role in the creation of a coalition of community organizations offering a variety of services to citizens.

A new year is both exciting and challenging. The staff is being asked to review these attributes in terms of the coming year at the library. In addition to reviewing library goals, each staff member is to consider their personal goals, challenges to those goals and their perception of how they can assist in reaching library goals. A series of discussions will be held and the outcome presented to the Board in March. Implementation will begin immediately.

As expected, Deck the Halls presented a month of excitement and great activity at the library. Under the theme, “Do You Hear What I Hear,” programs targeted all ages and attendance totaled approximately 290 individuals. The staff worked very hard to make the season successful. We were assisted in our efforts to restore the library space to normal by Bruce Waddell and his son Warren who removed the very large cedar tree from the main area and disposed of it.

Work is underway to determine how the library can be more interactive with the schools. At present, such contact is limited. It is believed such an initiative will be helpful in program planning for the coming year. A review will be conducted of current “annual” youth programs to determine their continued viability.

The Library is hosting a trip on Thursday, January 25th to the VMFA to tour the very popular Terracotta Exhibit. The trip will include a guided tour and lunch for a fee of $50. Currently, 45 reservations have been received out of a possible total of 53.