Board of Trustees
Mathews Memorial Library
Date April 9, 2013

CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson, Carolyn Taylor called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m.

ATTENDING: Joanna Brown, Doreen Folzenlogen, Charles Ingram, Mary Sampson, and Will Story also in attendance: Bette Dillehay, Library Director.

MINUTES: Were reviewed and accepted after a correction was made.

Introduction of the new Board member: the Director welcomed Col. Stephen Wilson, who was appointed by the County Board of Supervisors to replace Doug Wilton who recently retired.


Financial Report
Operating expenses for the reports period totaled $5,003.35. Year –to-date, expenditures total $59,662.95, a 9.14% increase over the previous year. With 3 months left in FY2013 and unencumbered operating funds totaling $34,466,24, the library will end the year within budget. A determination will be made in late May if a request for carry-over funding should be initiated.

Mrs. Dillehay pointed out some other expenditures, under 6012, she explained the TechSoup (Training) for computer instructional material used in the classes for the public. The library computers have the Microsoft 8 operating system and the training had to be upgraded to keep up with the software that is used. Under Account number 3000, the Virginia Gazette item was for the Ad that was placed over a two-month period for the Head, Adult/Teen Services position.

Information maintained by the Office of the County Administrator regarding salaries and related benefits was received for the period ending March 2, 2013. Total expenses to date are $156,370.96 or 68.1% of total budget ($229.726), with $73,355 remaining. The average monthly total is $17,375; however, expenses for the current period totaled $15,726, 1.6% less than the previous month. This amount is due to the fact that there is one less fulltime employee.

Head, Adult/Teen Services Position. To date, the library has received 14 applications for the position. The ad is listed on the Mathews library website and is also included in the job listing of the Virginia Library Association. Mrs. Dillehay stated that 7 of the applications came from the ad in the Virginia Gazette. The application period closes on April 15th, and it is planned to choose a successful candidate by June 1st.

Youth Wing Staffing.
The Director is pleased with the success of the current arrangement of Carol McCormack and Michael Fisher in their part-time positions in the youth wing. They both bring a high degree of professionalism, enthusiasm and dependability to the position.

Historical Research. Due to the excellent research skills of Becky Barnhardt, Head, History and Genealogy staff member, more information is learned about the history of Fort Nonsense. Her work revealed that the Fort was part of a Confederate fortification system and was built by members of the 61st Militia in 1861-1862. Becky found the notation of the Captain who was in charge of building the fort.

The library received a $100 donation check from a woman who recently was helped by Becky in researching genealogical information.

Patron Update
The total number of patrons as of Friday, April 5th was 10,087, an overall gain of 565 patrons over the same period in the previous year there were 4,639 visits to the library during the report period. Mrs. Dillehay reported that while records show fewer juveniles used the library computers, the number of them attending programs/activities at the library by 142%, nearly tripling the previous year.

Chairperson Taylor pointed out that the Book Club for the Middle School has increased in the number of students participating. The Book Club meets on Tuesday at school because there is a bus that leaves the school at 5pm. that day.

There are now 325 patrons who have signed up for eBooks. Mrs. Dillehay is doing a study to determine on a per patron basis what it cost to offer this service. She does not believe that the multiple services are being marketed very well at present, and perhaps they should be marketed as a unit to get the full benefit of the service.

Adults Programs. The Celebration of National Women's History Month celebrated in March at the library proved to be a great success. Twenty- Seven individuals were recognized, and the program generated much interest and discussion. A luncheon will be held on May 2 bringing the celebration to a close. Dr. Sandy Treadway, Librarian of Virginia, has accepted our invitation to be present and discuss the role of women in leadership in Virginia. A citation will be presented to all of the living recipients. Invitations will go out to those living women whose names were submitted along with invitations to those who submitted the names. The Board of Trustees is also invited to attend.

Dean King, an author appearing previously at the library, has offered a return engagement on May 20 to discuss his latest book about the Hatfields and the McCoys entitled The Feud.

Glenn Sturm, a Virginia Tech graduate with a B.S. in Finance, will present a workshop entitled, Small Steps to Health and Wealth. The program is designed to help motivate participants to improve both their health and their finances. The workshop scheduled on May 22nd from 10 a.m. until noon, is held in conjunction with Virginia Cooperative Extension.

On June 20th, a Brown Bag Lunch event will be held featuring Richmond Times Dispatch political journalist, Jeff Schapiro. Jeff has covered Virginia's Capital and campaigns for nearly three decades his insight into Virginia politics and knowledge of State government promises to provide an informative and entertaining event.

In concert with planning for the youth program in July, the library is working on Soothin' Summer Sounds which, this year, will feature "Sounds of the World." The ever-popular Tea Dance is planned to be held sometime in May or June.

Youth Programs. The Fantasy Trip to Italy was a huge success and enjoyed by the 36 young people who participated. Success was attributed to Carol McCormack and the numerous members of the community and library staff who transformed the library into an Italian setting.

Coming up in June are the Highland Games. Plans are underway for the summer program in July. This year's theme will be "Wonders of the World." The program will explore both man-made and natural wonders, concluding with the creation of our very own list of wonders, and according to Mrs. Dillehay, "perhaps more than seven."

Report from the Friends
There was no report from the Friends.

Old Business: Roof of the Current Library Building.
Storybound Restoration is the contractor assigned to do the roofing at a cost of $3,300.

New Business: There was no new business.
Public Comment: There was no public comment.
Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:14 p.m.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for May 14, 2013

Mary E. Sampson, Secretary