JUNE 11, 2013

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by the Library Director, Bette Dillehay, at 5:20 p.m.

ATTENDING: JoAnna Brown, Doreen Folzenlogen, Charles Ingram, and Steve Wilson. Maree Morgan, President of the Friends of the Library, was also present.

MINUTES: The minutes of the May 14, 2013 meeting were approved as written.


• Operating expenses for the period May 14-June 11 totaled $7,582.67. Current year to date expenditures total $73,475.25. This is an increase of 34.1% over the previous year. Based on library records, unencumbered operating funds total $20,872.20. County records show unencumbered funds of $34,470.83, a difference of $13,598.63, which could be because of some expenses not included.
• Under Grants/Donations the $3615.07 was reimbursement for the trip to the Chihuly exhibit.
• Under Professional Services, the $422.90 was payment for travel expenses for a candidate for the job of Head of the Adult/Teen Services position.
• The open position for Head of the Adult/Teen Services will be re-advertised for new candidates. The interview team consisted of Bette Dillehay, Carol McCormack, Carolyn Taylor, and Jan Mohr.
• The total number of patrons as of June 1 was 10,154, a 6% increase over the same period last year. Visitors to the library during the period totaled 4,838.
• The use of the library electronic services continues to grow. The number of users stands at 345 and they have checked out 205 ebooks, 54 audio books, and 63 music selections. Tech Tuesday is very popular.
• The Friends of the Library have provided $7,275 for 2013 summer adult and youth programs. This includes the July youth program, Soothin' Summer Sounds, and the Highland Games.
• Jeff Shapiro, a political journalist will be coming on June 20.
• Soothin' Summer Sounds will begin on June 27 with a traditional Celtic music group. There will be a flamenco guitar program on July 15, Art Muroff on August 8, and a Jewish folk group on August 15.
• The Highland Games will be held on June 21.
• The July summer youth program is called "Celebrate Our World."

REPORT FROM THE FRIENDS: Maree Morgan, President of the Friends, asked everyone to look at the changes in the new building. Loughridge contractors say that they will be in by Market Days. The Gwathmey Foundation has given a grant for $30,000. The Friends have received grants from all three they met with last August. $115,000 has been in straight grant bequests. There is still the possibility that Dominion, Olsen, and Owens will give a grant. The Friends have $1,145,000 in cash and pledges. Around $150,000 is needed to finish. Some donors are waiting for a challenge grant to contribute. A letter has gone out to the Board of Supervisors asking for $75,000 for a challenge grant. The Building Committee will be considering landscape design next week.

• Carry-over Fund Request. A memorandum is going out to the members of the Board of Supervisors asking that the library be permitted to carry forward $20,000 of unencumbered funds into FY 2013-14.
• Doherty Bequeath to Library. On motion of Steve Wilson, seconded by Joanna Brown, it was voted to give the $5,000 donated from the estate of Mr. Doherty to the Friends of the Library for furnishings for the new teen wing.

PUBLIC COMMENT. There was no public comment.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m. The next regular meeting will be August 12, 2013.

Acting Secretary, Doreen Folzenlogen