February 11, 2014

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Carolyn Taylor, at 5:15 p.m.

OTHERS ATTENDING: JoAnna Brown, Doreen Folzenlogen, Charles Ingram (Board of Supervisors), and Mary Sampson. Bette Dillehay, Library Director also attended.

RECOGNITION OF DIANE McKNIGHT: Diane was recognized in person as having completed the Library Support Staff Certification Program on December 16, 3024. This is a para-professional program. Diane has been an important member of the library staff since 2005.

MINUTES: The minutes from the January 14, 2014 meeting were unanimously approved after the correction of Mary Bull's name.

REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR: A copy of Ms. Dillehay's report is attached.
• Current year-to-date expenses total $61,192.35, which is a 31% increase over the previous year-to-date.
• Unencumbered funds total $59,316.50, of which $45,742.65 are approved budget funds and $13,573.85 in Grants/Donations.
• Through February 6, salaries and related benefits total $125,672.55. The budgeted amount for FY 2013-2014 is $255,487. They are expected to average $18,000 for the remainder of the fiscal period.
• Twenty-seven new patrons were added in January. The total number of patrons is 10, 483, with 418 being elibrary users.
• A grant request for $5,000 has been prepared to send to the Mathews Community Foundation for a scanner for big items such as maps ($2,000) and the first year's subscription to the digital collection system ($3,000). A copy of the request is attached. Receiving this grant would help to preserve more documents and make them more available to the public. Currently, there are 4000 items in the archives with 1500 of them original. The original items would be the ones digitized. The total cost of the digitization program would be $9,000.
• A table was shared showing how Mathews, Gloucester, Lancaster, and Middlesex counties compare in circulation, library visits and expenditures. The staff is studying why there is a low circulation per capita in Mathews. Right now there are two internet users to one book taken out.
• Programs this month include a bedtime story time for children on February 15, a Tea Dance on February 16, Bill Johnson (a local author) discussing his book A Silent Tide on February 20, and Martha McCartney discussing her book, Kingston Parish Register: Mathews, Gloucester, and Middlesex Counties, Virginia, Slaves and Slaveholders, 1746-1827 on February 25.
• The technology training staff, consisting of Greg Lewis and Carol McCormack, are offering three courses at libraries on the Northern Neck in February.
• Ms. Dillehay and staff will begin the move into the new library wing on March 1.

REPORT FROM THE FRIENDS: Maree Morgan, President of the Friends, submitted a report, a copy of which is attached. It is hoped that an Occupancy Permit will be issued after the final walkthrough on February 12. The Friends and Ms. Dillehay met on February 10 to discuss advocacy for the library. After review by the Friends on February 12, a strategy to accomplish these ideas will be created. The Friends plan to have annual fundraising events to bring in additional funds to support the library.

OLD BUSINESS: Possible changes to the bylaws were discussed. Further discussion will take place next month. Among the possible changes:
• Article IV, Officers and Their Duties, Section A. Change first sentence to: Officers of the Library Board shall be a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, and a Secretary. The rest of the section remains the same.
• Article IV, Section B. Delete last sentence.
• Article V, Duties of the Board, Section B. Period instead of a comma after "B."
• Article V, Section D. Delete the first word—Establish.
• Article V, Section H. There was discussion but no consensus on whether there should be an additional sentence regarding missing more than three meetings consecutively.
• Article VI, Meetings and Quorums, Section B. There was discussion but no consensus about changing the number for a quorum from three to four.

NEW BUSINESS: Library Policies Review. The Board was given copies of the various library policies for review and to consider whether additional policies should be written. There is a policy on Website Privacy, Patron Computer and Internet Access Use, Patriot Act Compliance, Collection Development, Cooke Conference Center Policy and Guidelines, Disruptive Behavior Policy, Policy on Unattended Children,


ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.

NEXT REGULAR MEETING: MARCH 11, 2014 AT 5 P.M. On motion of Mr. Ingram, seconded by Ms. Brown, the Board voted to change the time of the monthly meetings to 5 p.m.

Doreen Folzenlogen
Acting Secretary