January 10, 2017

APPOINTMENT OF TEMPORARY CHAIR AND SECRETARY: On a motion by Reed Lawson, seconded by Mary Sampson, Carolyn Taylor was appointed as temporary chair for this meeting. On a motion by Mary Sampson, seconded by Charles Ingram, Reed Lawson was appointed temporary secretary for this meeting.

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Carolyn Taylor, temporary chairman, at 5:14 pm.

ATTENDING: Charles Ingram, Reed Lawson, Mary Sampson, and Carolyn Taylor. Also present was Bette Dillehay, Library Director.

MINUTES: Mrs. Sampson moved to approve the minutes of the November 8, 2016 board meeting as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ingram; the board voted unanimously to approve.

REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR: Attached report covers the period November 8, 2016 to January 10, 2017. Also attached is the spreadsheet for Mathews Memorial Library Operating Expenditures for 2016. Mrs. Dillehay presented the report "2016 - Year in Review and What's in Store for 2017". (See attached)

REPORT FROM THE FRIENDS: There was no report from FOL. The copy of the letter from Chairman Will Story to past president Maree Morgan thanking her for her loyal and professional service was provided to the board. Molly Broderson is the new FOL president. (See attached)

2017-2018 BUDGET SUBMISSION: The Budget Submission Worksheet Support Documentation report was presented by Mrs. Dihhehay. Discussion followed concerning the reason the library covers elevator maintenance instead of the county. Also, several questions on salaries and wages for staff were raised. Mr. Ingram will bring forward at the next county budget work session the board's concern about low wages and lack of salary adjustments this year. The increase in travel/mileage line item was applauded. Mrs. Lawson moved; Mrs. Sampson seconded to approve the budget proposal as presented.

• Restroom Upgrade
Renovations of the men's and women's restrooms have begun and are ongoing.

• Draft Policy for Gifts and Special Collections Policy
The document delineates acknowledgement of gifts, the right of review, the right to reject and the responsibility of the donor to assign value. In addition, the library will not accept responsibility for storage of objects which are owned or controlled by other groups or individuals. Mrs. Sampson moved and Mrs. Lawson seconded the adoption of the policy. (See attached)
• Draft Bill - HB1418
The bill to make "Open Carry" a local choice in public libraries is being debated now in Richmond. Mrs. Dillehay will keep the board apprised on how the bill is progressing. (See attached email)
• Conflict of Interest Filing
The recent change from the Conflict of Interest Advisory Council may impact the requirement for library trustees to file disclosure forms. Mrs. Dillehay will follow up with county administrator Mrs. Conner. (See attached email)
• Trustee Term Expirations
Mrs. Dillehay will check with county administration concerning the terms of Mr. Story and Mr. Wilson.


ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:07 p.m.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for March 14, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.
Submitted by Reed Lawson, Temporary Secretary
Attachments to the official record as stated