CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman James Pavik at 5:00 p.m. on 7/13/2021.
ATTENDING: James Pavik, Nancy Fisher, Sue Jennette, Alexis Foster, Jackie Ingram and Carolyn Taylor. Also present were Bette Dillehay, Director, and Joanna Ball, FOL President. Dana Brown was absent.
RECOGNITION: Bette Dillehay introduced Jackson Putt as the recipient of the 2021 Mathews Memorial Library Scholarship. Jackson will be attending James Madison University in the fall. His grandmother accompanied Jackson for the award and recognition.
Bette also recognized Carol Owens for completion of the Certified Library Support Staff training. Carol continues to provide excellence in all assignments, including her leadership with the “Tails and Tales” summer youth program.
MINUTES: The minutes of the May 11, 2021 board meeting were approved as presented. James Pavik recognized Sue Jennette for providing the minutes from the May meting.
REPORT FROM THE DIRECTOR: The attached activities and financial reports cover the two-month period ending June 30, 2021. Bette also provided a list of “Invoices to be Paid”. The list included $12,902.07 of items encumbered in the last fiscal year. (See attached)
Bette reported the Library is now fully open and experiencing traffic equal to pre-COVID numbers. Outside groups may now reserve time and meet in the main conference room.
REPORT FROM THE FRIENDS: Joanna Ball reported the new mural on the side of the Friends building is attracting lots of positive attention and increased activity at the bookstore. The mural was painted by Debbie and Becky LaFrance and was featured in the local paper published on July 7, 2021.
OLD BUSINESS: The Board of Supervisors approved, without changes, the Mathews Memorial Library budget request for FY21/22.
NEW BUSINESS: Bette shared that one of the Mobile Hotspot loan kits has not been returned in spite of repeated attempts to recover. She asked the board’s permission to proceed through the Small Claims Court and this request was granted.
Jim advised that he would provide all board members with notes and slides from the three hour Library of Virginia’s Trustee Workshop, held on June 9, 2021.
Bette informed the board that she researched and found an International Program, originated in Denmark, to support communities in conversations designed to bridge understanding of issues around diversity. She will forward this information to us for discussion at our next meeting.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 5:00 pm
Submitted by Nancy Fisher, Secretary