January 14, 2014
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Carolyn Taylor, Chairperson, at 5:15 pm.
ATTENDING: Trustees Jo Anna Brown, Doreen Folzenlogen, Will Story, Carolyn Taylor, and Steve Wilson. Also present were Charles Ingram, Board of Supervisors Liaison; Bette Dillehay, Library Director; and Maree Morgan, President of the Friends of the Library.
VOTE: A motion was made to approve the draft November 12, 2013 minutes as submitted. The motion was seconded and the board voted unanimously to approve.
• Teen Survey (attached). Mary Ball, Youth Services, presented results of survey to the board. Mary will visit other area libraries to learn what they are doing for teenagers. Goal is to place library on teens' menu of places to use thereby reducing apathy and increasing visibility.
• Diane McKnight has completed her training and earned her certification as a para-professional librarian.
• Director is seeking school district agreement to provide bus service twice a week at 5:00 p.m. for students who use the library after school hours.
• "Deck the Halls" in December was a great success. Jack & Francis Ward helped to "undeck" the halls.
• Five Year Review. Discussed concerns about trends revealed by comparing statistics between 2008 and 2013 and relationship to a recent American Library Association (ALA) study.
• M. Morgan suggested a meeting with the school superintendent and the BOT to discuss how to improve children's use of the library.
• Heating. C. Taylor raised the issue of heating in the library during the recent frigid weather. Director responded that the chiller was going into error mode and that the contractors were working to resolve the issue.
• Move into new addition. C. Taylor raised the issue that Mary Bull was hired in October, but her work area in the new addition is still not ready. Move into the addition is to be in two phases—teen area first and then staff. Delayed move affects classes.
• Lockridge & Co., hired to construct the new addition, is behind schedule. Lockridge was hired because its bid was $100,000 below the next lowest bid. The Friends of the Library will submit a letter to Lockridge on January 15, 2014 to inform them no further payment will be made until the project is completed satisfactorily within 30 days of the date of the letter. No occupancy permit can be issued until the items on the "punch list" are completed.
• The Friends have raised $1,316,000 to date for the new addition.
• M. Morgan has been re-elected as the president of the Friends of the Library.
• The Friends' newsletter will be published three times a year.
• The bookstore had a banner year, raising $17,600 through book sales in 2013.
• FY 2014-2015 Budget (attached). The BOT reviewed the proposed FY 2014-2015 budget. Increases in 2014 funding are proposed for maintenance services, advertising, postage, telephone, and lease/rental of equipment.
VOTE: A motion was made to approve the draft FY 2014-2015 Budget for submission to the County Administrator. The motion was seconded and the board voted unanimously to approve.
• Bylaws of the Mathews Memorial Library Board of Trustees. Copies of the bylaws were provided to the trustees. C. Taylor asked members to review the bylaws and to provide comments or recommendations at the February BOT meeting. B. Dillehay informed the BOT that the passages in italics are required by the Code of Virginia and cannot be changed.
ADJOURNMENT: the meeting was adjourned at 6:43 p.m.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for February 11, at 5:15 p.m.
Submitted by Stephen Wilson, secretary.