March 13, 2018

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Steve Wilson, Chairman, at 5:00 p.m.

ATTENDING: Joanna Brown, Reed Lawson, Jim Pavik, Carolyn Taylor, and Steve Wilson. Also present were Bette Dillehay, Library Director and Molly Broderson, President, Friends of Mathews Memorial Library.

MINUTES: The January 9, 2018 board meeting minutes were approved as presented. Brown moved; Pavik seconded.

REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR: The attached report covers the period January 9 to March 13, 2018. Also attached are the Operating Expenditures Report as of March 13, 2018 and the Activity Report for February 2018. The Director showed the board the library article that appeared in the previous week's Gazette-Journal supplement, The Early Years, on the importance of early childhood learning and the role the library plays in meeting that need. She and Carolyn detailed the inclusion of MML on the River to Bay Artisan Trail and the status of board member terms. As verified in further communication, the terms of Joanna Brown, Carolyn Taylor and Mary Sampson expire the end of May. The county is seeking replacement candidates. Carolyn distributed a list of board qualifications when considering potential members. Student representatives are no longer appointed to county boards.
The Director presented the February activity report in numerical format as well as a new concept of graphing the information to understand the data better. Personal computer use is on the increase; circulation of electronic items is much higher than other formats. There has been no impact from the road work on Main Street.
Operational expenses for the two-month period totaled $18, 298.80. Unencumbered funds amount to $51, 261.11. See attached. In the category of salaries and related expenses, the library is under budget for the eight months in FY 2017-2018.
Recent challenges include the two-week period when the library was without heat in the main section. MML remained open and the staff adjusted to the situation. The staff is continuing its major review of organizational capacity - analyzing its ability to fulfill its purpose in our changing community environment. Under personnel concerns, youth services Maude Donovan will take maternity leave from April 1- June 1, 2018. Carol McCormack will substitute in her absence.
January and February special events were well-received. The tour of the Chinese Terracotta Army and lunch at VMFA and the Black History Month program, The Church in the Southern Black Community by Hampton University Robert C. Watson, were well-attended. For March (Women's History Month), MML is honoring Capt. Sally L. Tompkins and Emma Lee Smith White. This year the April 4th spring break fantasy flight goes to Alaska. .
REPORT FROM THE FRIENDS: Molly Broderson reported that FOL has received an additional $3,000 from the J. Edwin Treakle Foundation and will be applying again in this year's grant cycle. Excess checking account funds have been transferred to the Davenport account. The newsletter is scheduled to be released by April 1st. The April 17th general meeting will feature the program, "Champions of Literacy in Mathews." All are encouraged to attend. The website has been updated; the brochure is under review. The Book Store has established a reading corner to entice patrons to relax and read awhile.

OLD BUSINESS: Carolyn and Molly attended the Board of Supervisors' budget meeting and spoke in support of staff salary review and increases. Board members were surprised to see that Mathews County library salaries are so low. The county administrator requested data on similar-to-Mathews localities for comparison. The Director sought information from the state library and received data on Gloucester, New Kent, Lancaster and Middlesex counties. The BOT will continue to push this effort. See attached.

NEW BUSINESS: The Director advised the board on teen activities at MML under the direction of Nicole Hirtenstein. The Teen Advisory Group provides leadership for activities, programming and policies. Recent events include a Chinese New Year party and a Valentine's Day gathering. The monthly movie selected for March is "Hidden Figures." The Teen Blog is on the MML website to keep everyone informed.


ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:18 p.m.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 8, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.

Submitted by Reed Lawson, Secretary
Attachments to the official record as stated