Mathews Memorial Library
Bette Dillehay, Director
February 12, 2013
This report is intended to provide the chairman and members of the Board of Trustees with a report of activities during the period January 8 - February 12, 2013. We are pleased to report that The Honorable Charles E. Ingram has been re-appointed to the Board of Trustees as Board of Supervisors representative.
Financial Report
Operating expenses for the report period totaled $7,537.40. Year-to-date, expenditures total $46,754.02, a 36.7% increase over the previous year. This reflects two items falling in line item 3160, the first covering the first annual subscription for the online cataloging system ($3,324.00) and the second for the replacement of the cyber security system ($2,624.92), both of which were paid in October, 2012.
Information maintained by the Office of the County Administrator regarding salaries and related benefits was received for the period ending February 5, 2013. Total expenses for the period are $124,659 or 54.3% of total budget ($229,726). The average monthly total is $17,808. With five months remaining in FY 2012-13, it is expected that total expenses estimated at $89,042 will remain well within budget. It is also expected that the budget will remain viable should personnel additions occur in regard to adult services.
2013-2014 Budget
The proposed budget for the library for FY 2013-2014 was submitted to the Office of the County Administrator prior to the deadline of January 31st. A copy of the submission is attached to this report.
State Aid
In the current General Assembly Session, both the Senate and House of Delegates included language in their amendments to the budget proposing increases in funding for State Aid to Public Libraries. The Senate included $1,000,000 in increased funds for FY14 and the House included an increase of $250,000 for State Aid. If possible, it would be helpful to contact your delegate, Keith Hodges, urging his support of this proposal. Delegate Hodges email address is:
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Financial Comparison of County Services
An article appearing on February 7th in the Gazette Journal made reference to the "amount the Mathews Library receives from the County." In addition to the explanation forwarded to you and the County Administrator, I took the following actions. I contacted Ron Lambert in order that I could provide him with the information as outlined to you. As a part of this process, I also talked with the auditor who submitted information on behalf of Mathews County to the State Auditor of Public Accounts. He stated that the figure submitted was "expenses paid by the county on behalf of the library" but "the amount in question did not reflect all sources of funding used to pay those expenses."
Doris Wohlfort has been providing service to the library each Saturday for several years. It is with great dismay that I learned of her pending move away from Mathews. Doris and her husband, Bob, are planning to return to New England when suitable housing is found. Her departure, when it occurs, constitutes a great loss for library service.
Patron Update
We have exceeded our goal of 10,000 library patrons. While not achieving this goal by the end of 2012 as hoped, it was reached in mid-January, and we continue to grow. The total number of patrons now stands at 10,015.
Adult Programs. Fifty-seven travelers, including six students and a high school instructor, joined us on the library-sponsored trip on February 1st to Richmond. Our goal was to view the Chihuly exhibit at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. The cost to each for the trip was $45.00, which included transportation, lunch and entrance to the exhibit. Many of those who participated expressed praise for the event.
Joint Black History Month Exhibit. An exhibit is on display throughout February in the library. It features artifacts from the Antioch Church L. W. Wales, Jr., Museum. We reported this cooperative approach to the Library of Virginia, who had inquired about such activities. They were most complimentary of our effort.
EBooks, etc. A second Tech Zoo Fair was held January 23rd with 16 people registered to attend a two-hour workshop followed by the opportunity to examine various devices. Access to a variety of such digital devices continues to be popular, both with Mathews patrons and those in other areas where the staff presents them.
Tutoring and Literati Public. The ad hoc committee interested in advancing tutoring opportunities to Mathews students plans to develop a proposal to fund after-school transportation to enable students to take advantage of tutoring at the library and elsewhere. Literati Public, available through Virginia's public libraries, is a key element of this endeavor.
Up Coming Programs
Bedtime Storytime. The library is planning a second PJ storytime event on February 14th from 6 to 7 p.m. The program is designed to reach families with children between the ages of 3 to 7 with a format similar to that of the story time event held in December.
Dr. Seuss Day. The library has received approval to celebrate "Read Across America" with students at Lee Jackson School. The program is scheduled for Friday, March 1, 2013. Carol McCormack, head, youth services, is coordinating the program and will present a book to each class for grades pre-K through 3rd grade.