saltwater sportsmanMagzter Library provides a wide selection of digital magazines that can be accessed on mobile devices and tablets as well as on computers. Get unlimited access to 5,000+ magazines, newspapers and journals across 40+ categories with Magzter Library! Magzter offers popular titles like NewsweekKiplinger’s Personal FinancePopular MechanicsCar and DriverCosmopolitanThe New Yorker, and many more. You will find magazines in English, Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Arabic.

Scan QR Code to Get Started:

Magzter QR code

Android and iOS users can download the Magzter Library app from the Google Play Store or the Apple Store (please note you need to use the Magzter Library app, NOT the standard Magzter app). Magzter can also be accessed in a browser at . In each case you will choose "Continue with Library Card" and enter an email address. You will receive and enter an One Time Password (OTP) code and then search for  "Mathews Memorial Library" and enter your library card number.